IV Edición del UPM innovatech challenge, premios a las tecnologías más innovadoras.

Monday, 3 June 2019

UPM_innovatech, the Innovation and technology bring to market UPM program (CAIT-UPM), launches a new edition of UPM_innovatech 2T Challenge ‘ 2019. Participation from UPM R & D centers, such as CeDInt, has been very relevant in past editions.

Here you can download a PDF with all the information


  • To identify the technologies with the greatest potential impact that have been generated as a result of the research activity of the UPM's R&D structures. 
  • To support the development of technologies through a training program that allows the researchers involved to deepen their knowledge and broaden their skills.
  • Encourage the development of marketing strategies
  • Contribute to a rapid interaction and enhancement of technologies
  • Award the most innovative technologies of the university (first prize 10.000 Euros to invest on the development of the technology).

The call is open to all researchers from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, both those responsible for research and those in training, who are or have been involved in the development of the technology proposed to the initiative.


Participants will benefit from a 42-hour 100% free training course specialized in the commercialization of technologies developed at the university, in which they will participate in sessions on business potential assessment, industrial protection, technological intelligence, marketing, communication, economic valuation of technologies, customer development, sales, licensing and technology transfer. 

Registration deadline : 17 July 2019

REGISTER HERE (opening "New Application")
Inquiries and information: for any questions please contact the UPM_innovatech Programme at innovacion.tecnologica@upm.es or by calling 91 067 94 60 (ext. 79460).

The UPM_innovatech Program has the collaboration of the IESE Business School's Network of Investors and Family Offices and the UPM I&E Network of Investors and Experts.

For more information click here

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Piece of news