El 2 de septiembre finaliza el plazo de recepción de candidaturas a proyectos para los enerTIC Awards.

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

September 2 is the deadline to receive project applications for the enerTIC Awards: "Awards for innovation and technology for energy efficiency in the digital age". Projects that have contributed to reducing energy consumption with the application of new technologies such as Blockhain, IoT, BigData, Augmented Reality ... can be presented to this VII Call for Prizes.

All organizations, both public and private, can participate and present initiatives and projects that stand out for their innovation in the use of ICTs to improve Energy Efficiency and Sustainability.

Among the organizations that have already identified their candidacy for this edition, are: Ministerio de Justicia, Diputación de Badajoz, Ayto. Murcia, Ayto. Gijón, Ayto. San Cugat, Ayto. Badajoz, Ayto. Terrasa, Bilbao Port Authority, BBVA, Bankoa, Naturgy, Cepsa, EDPR, Iberdrola, Galp, Endesa, Viesgo, Red Eléctrica de España, Fraternidad Mupresa, Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza de Madrid, Gestamp, Europcar, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universidad de Guadalajara, Universidad de Girona, Fundación Deusto, T-Systems, Telefónica, Schneider Electric and Ferrovial Servicios, among others.

With this initiative, the EnergyIC Platform makes it possible to identify, reward and disseminate success stories and good practices that serve as a reference to move forward and raise awareness of the energy saving opportunities offered by the digitalisation of cities, industries, data centres...

Sustainability and energy competitiveness are two major challenges of the Horizon Europe Programme and the commitment of all stakeholders is necessary.

Which projects are accepted?

There is no limit to the number of projects submitted by each organisation, and each project can be submitted to a maximum of 3 categories of the 24 topics defined for this edition, grouped into main categories: Smart Cities, Smart Energy, Smart IT Infrastructure, Smart Industry 4.0, International Projects, Horizon Europe Projects and Startups.

National and international projects, completed or underway, that have a special relevance due to their technological innovation for the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainability. The projects presented in previous editions of the enerTIC Awards can also be presented again, with the requirement of not having been awarded.

How to present a project?

It is necessary to complete this brief form to formalize the Candidatures before September 2.

The finalists will be announced on 1 October, when an online voting deadline will open for the winning projects. The Awards Gala will be held on 12 December in Madrid.

More information on the categories, nominations and terms of the call:







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