Alumnos del IES Beatriz Galindo del progama PEAC visitan el CeDInt.

Thursday, 14 March 2019

Last Saturday, 9th March, a group of students from Beatriz Galindo Secondary School belonging to PEAC (Programa de Altas Capacidades), visited the facilities of CeDInt. The students were able to learn first hand about our areas of activity, and the projects in which we are working. Together with our researchers, the students visited the Energy Efficiency and Virtual Reality laboratories, and the CAVE, where they were able to experience first-hand an immersive 3D virtual reality environment.

The PEAC is aimed at students from Madrid who are studying Primary, Secondary or Baccalaureate in public, private and subsidised schools and who have a high intellectual capacity profile. This educational initiative has a team of more than 120 specialists between Primary and Secondary teachers and the coordination team of the programme itself. In addition, it provides enrolled students with opportunities to deepen their knowledge in different areas through experimentation, creation or research.

The PEAC also incorporates actions aimed at the families of the students, meetings with the teaching staff of the centres of origin of the participating students, as well as conferences or orientation and dissemination activities.

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