El V Congreso Edificios Inteligentes se celebrará en Madrid el próximo 14 de mayo 2019.

Thursday, 20 December 2018

Due to the good reception of the Intelligent Buildings Congress in its previous editions, Grupo Tecma Red and COAM are now launching the V Intelligent Buildings Congress to be held in Madrid on 14 May 2019, in which we participate as Collaborators.

The Congress invites all organizations, companies and professionals involved in the sector to submit their Communications Proposals or Intelligent Building Projects / Systems Integration.

All the final Communications and Building Projects approved by the Technical Committee will be published in the Communications and Projects Book of the Congress and/or in digital form. The Technical Committee will also choose 8 Communications and 4 Building Projects to make an oral presentation within the Congress.

Those interested in submitting Communications and Building Projects to the Congress must publish, before February 21, 2019, a summary of their Proposal following the instructions on the Congress website (Final Communications or Project file before February 28, 2019) - www.congreso-edificiosinteligentes.es/comunicaciones

The Intelligent Buildings Congress is the main professional forum on Intelligent Buildings in Spain. It brings together the most important players in the sector, and discusses the current and future of Intelligent Buildings and the implications it has for companies and professionals related to the design, construction and management of buildings and their facilities.

It covers the current and future of the sector in different formats, such as communications papers, exhibitions of intelligent building projects, round tables and keynote speeches. The thematic areas established for the V Intelligent Buildings Congress are:

  •     Innovation in Design, Architecture and Engineering of Intelligent Buildings: BIM, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Digital Twins, SRI, etc.
  •     Technologies, Solutions and Systems for Intelligence in Buildings: Domotics, BIM, IoT, cybersecurity, electric vehicle, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Robotics, Cloud, etc.
  •     Use, Management and Maintenance in Intelligent Buildings: IoT, BIM, BMS, life cycle, Blockchain, Telework, Coworking, etc.
  •     The human being and its diversity in the intelligent building: accessibility, ageing, telemedicine, comfort, safety, ergonomics, sustainability, etc.
  •     Intelligent Building Projects / Systems Integration.



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