CeDInt at the kick off meeting of the second Open Call (OC2) of the SymbIoTe project.

Monday, 14 May 2018

Last May 11, the Deputy Director of CeDInt Asunción Santamaría and Silvia Calatrava researcher of our Center, participated in the meeting of the launching of the second Open Call (OC2) of the SymbIoTe Project (symbiosis of intelligent objects in IoT environments), project in which we participate. In this meeting CeDInt presented the platform we are developing.

The main objective of SymbIoTe (symbiosis of intelligent objects in IO environments) is to promote a simplified process of development of IO applications and services through IO interworking platforms. This will be achieved:

1) Providing the means to create and manage IO virtual environments through various IO platforms.

2) Implementing high-level APIs-habilitadores- that take advantage of these virtual environments to offer specialized services (for example, location in interior spaces or unified access to environmental data collected from different sources), adapted to the needs of the specific use cases of the IOTE.

3) Offering the means to create dynamic and self-configuring intelligent spaces.

4) Implementing a protocol of secure interworking between the platforms in accordance with the recommendations of standardization bodies. This will help SMEs and new entrants in the IO field to create innovative IO services in short development cycles.

You can obtain more information by clicking here.



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