enerTIC.org advances in the Press Conference the main news and opportunities of SEC2022Madrid.

Friday, 21 October 2022

At the press conference held at the headquarters of the Madrid City Council, the Platform has announced the main developments and opportunities that the Congress will offer in terms of energy competitiveness, digitization, technological advances, open innovation and collaboration. Positioning this event as a means to continue contributing to the great work that both the City Council and the Community of Madrid are doing to promote the energy and digital transition, placing Spain as a benchmark at European level.

The main table was chaired by the Councilor for Innovation of the Madrid City Council, Mr. Àngel Niño, the Manager of Technological Innovation Promotion of the Community of Madrid, Mr. José Luis Belinchón, the Director of Communication and Institutional Relations of the EOI, Mr. Diego Crescente and the Vice Dean of COIT, Mr. Juan Carlos López. The meeting was also attended by the Chairmen of several of the Platform's Technical Committees, specifically the Startups Committee, the Energy Sector Operations Committee and the Data Center Committee.

Energy volatility and the unstoppable commitment to sustainability mark the Smart Energy Congress

This new edition is being held at a time when energy efficiency and sustainability clearly affect competitiveness, with energy costs, production efficiency, process digitalization and CO2 emissions reduction being issues of special relevance in environments such as Cities, Industries, Technological Infrastructures and Data Centers.

Vanesa Ramos, Head of Open Innovation at the enerTIC.org Platform, explained the purpose of the meeting, which, given the current energy paradigm, aims to foster alliances and mobilize different stakeholders to discuss trends, challenges and opportunities in these key ecosystems. Environments in which, as he pointed out, 80% of managers have already become aware of the strong impact that the energy and digital transition is having on business models, based on the results of the survey conducted by enerTIC.org last semester.

A program conditioned by new energy and technological challenges

The Congress presents a very comprehensive program, with highly topical issues, which aims to convey to public and private sector managers how they can contribute with the use of technologies (Artificial Intelligence, 5G, IoT, Digital Twins...) to improve the efficiency of their organizations, develop sustainability strategies and align with the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030-2050, being this, currently, an aspect of particular relevance in decision-making within organizations, as manifested in the survey conducted by enerTIC. org (70% of the managers consulted made this consideration), according to the Platform.

What's new at SmartEnergyCongress.eu: spaces to foster collaborations?

In addition to having two large Auditoriums (Strategy and Technology) and an Expo Zone, as a novelty, the Congress will include Co-creation Spaces, where innovative solutions and success stories can be shared, Matchmaking Meetings (European funds) can be held and the innovation, startup and entrepreneur ecosystem can be accommodated, through Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support Systems and European leadership.

This is intended to create collaborative environments, promoting open innovation and the generation of business opportunities.

On the other hand, in this new edition, at the end of the first day of the Congress, a Lunch - Colloquium will be held where directors of energy companies, technology companies, industries and public administrations will meet to reflect on strategies and keys to achieving the energy and digital transformation and the fulfillment of sustainability objectives.

Spain, a European benchmark

The SmartEnergyCongress.eu contributes to consolidate the positioning of Spain as a benchmark in technology, with a clear and strong value proposition, to advance and be leaders in the energy transition process. Contributing, in this way, to strengthen sustainable economic growth and generate high value employment (the International Labour Organization - ILO estimates that the transition to a low carbon economy will generate around 300,000 - 500,000 net jobs in the country).

During the press conference, the potential of Spanish companies was highlighted, positioning Spain as a country with experienced organizations and recognized technological leadership to contribute to the decarbonization of the economy, the energy transition and the improvement of business competitiveness.

Organizations and Institutions such as those that are supporting the Congress, such as: Madrid City Council, Community of Madrid, CDTI, Capgemini, DTC Mission Ibermática, Inetum, Minsait, Accenture, Atos, Barbara IoT, Fujitsu, Google Cloud, Shell, Amplia iiot, Babel, DXC Technology, ECOMT, Engie, Esri, GMV, Indoorclima, Mathworks, Opentrends, Vass, Fujifilm, Desigenia, Dexma, URJC, LEDCity, Enviroscale, Circutor, Esgeo Techedge, Carlo Gavazzi, Alfa Laval, Orpheus, Powereys, T-Systems, Mendix-Siemens, Ayming, COIIM and CGCOII.

The SmartEnergyCongress.eu is presented as a unique opportunity to establish partnerships, share experiences, detect market opportunities and position itself as a brand committed to sustainability and energy efficiency.

More information: https://enertic.org/congreso2022/


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