
Dejan Grabovickic earns for CeDInt Best Paper Award on COMSOL 2012

In the Past European conference Comsol Milano 2012, Dejan Grabovickic, Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Juan Carlos Miñano and Pablo Benitez have earned the Best Paper Award of the conference. The award winning Paper is titled "Analysis of Super Imaging Properties of Spherical Geodesic Waveguide Using...

New Graduation Project disertation by Marta Camonet at CeDInt

Last Otcober, 10th Marta Carmonet Bravo difended her Graduation Project titled "Diseño e Implementación de un Sistema para Determinar el Rango de Edad de un Individuo a Partir de sus Rasgos Faciales" Obtaining the maximun calification by the members of the tribunal (Matricula de Honor). With...

CeDInt participates in ICUMT 2012 in San Petersburgo

Scientists from Cedint attend as speakers to the IV International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems. During ICUMT in San Petersburgo the paper titled “Open Multi-technology Building Energy Management System” about  The Building Energy Management System (Bat-MP &...

Help us fillinfg up this anonymous survey about home energy consuption.

Survey about energy consumption at home (anonymous, spanish only) We need anunymous data to help our research on home energy consumption for the project Ciudad 2020. Please use this link to help us (spanish only): ¡Thankyou!

IEEE SBC congress participants visit CeDInt

Participants of the IEEE Region 8 SB & GOLD Congress visited CeDInt and could talk with researchers about our research lines as part of the activities of the SBC congress. Along all morning visiting students were able to visit the premises of CeDInt and saw Demos of the most relevant projects...

CeDint explains colabotation ways between private companies and the university in the R&D+i sessions of IT applied to energy efficiency.

Carmen Lastres, Project Manager of CeDInt participated on the R6D+i sessions of IT application to energy efficiency that took place in CEDTI last June 20th wit a dissertation about the necessity and importance of the industry-university collaboration. The R&D+I sessions on IT applied to energy...