Arranca la edición 16ª de Actúaupm ¡Atrévete a formar parte de la iniciativa de emprendimiento universitario líder en España!

Thursday, 28 February 2019

Are you interested in the world of innovation and entrepreneurship, would you like to test your ideas, lines and research projects and thus demonstrate their potential, do you want to learn the best tools and techniques to analyze the commercial viability and economic profitability of a project? You will find the answer to all these questions in the 16ª actúaupm competition.

Converted into the leading university entrepreneurship initiative in Spain, actúaupm will not only give you access to the 45,000 euros that we will award in prizes, but also to a complete training program in entrepreneurship (number 1 in the EIT Master DS and HCID ranking), free advice from professionals in the sector and the world of innovation, investors, and UPM entrepreneurs, access to an interesting network of contacts? You will also be able to participate in all kinds of activities and networking sessions, Demo Days, etc.

Don't think about it! All you have to do is submit your idea before 11 March 2019 using a very simple form and be prepared for everything that will follow!

For more information, visit or 

And if you have any questions, write to


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Piece of news