Project Funded be European Union with project number: FP7-ICT-2013-10. 2013-2016. Financiado por la Unión europea (Objetivo 1.5 Trustworthy ICT-STREP-)
PCAS aims at providing an innovative, trustworthy, handheld device. The Secured Personal Device (SPD) will allow users to securely store their data, to share it with trusted applications, and to easily and securely authenticate him. The SPD will recognize its user using multiple biometric sensors, including a stress level sensor to detect coercion. Using the same biometric authentication, the SPD will be able to enforce secure communication with servers in the cloud, relieving the user from memorizing passwords.
The SPD will take the form of a smartphone add-on that draws power from the smartphone and uses its communication services. The security and authentication mechanisms will use software components running on the SPD, on the smartphone, and in the cloud. These software components will enable the use of biometric sensors to perform authentication on the smartphone and on the cloud, authorize access to the stored data on the SPD and securely transfer data from/to remote devices: USB or NFC connected computers or remote web services. The project will develop a full environment composed of programming APIs (needed to develop trusted applications) and modules that allow the easy integration of PCAS with existing web services. The benefits of the
project will be demonstrated with two use cases: electronic health and university campus access control. The consortium is composed of a set of seven dynamic research institutes and SMEs. The partners have a combination of expertise that make this challenging project possible: computer systems’ security,biometrics, security assessment, embedded systems and electronic health. PCAS is expected to have a high impact in security and privacy in mobile devices, part of the call’s objective 1.5.
The project will enable a trustworthy ICT ecosystem, removing citizens’ psychological barriers to the adoption of eHeath and other novel ICT applications. The project will also foster novel market segments that exploit these applications.