Are Central and Eastern European Countries managing to develop the information Society?
Descripción (resumen):
Taking theadvantage of the opportunities offered by theadvent of the information society is more and more often acknowledged asa sure path for future economic development. Moreover, this could be theonly way for those countries with narrow domestic markets or limitedphysical resources.Many of the CEECs started at an early time the design andprogressive putting into practice of programmes intended to adapt theirsocieties and economies to the information society. This article reviews theevolution ofthese public policies, assesses the impact of the plans (usingthe most solid indicators published on the development of the informationsociety) and, based on the results obtained, presents some critical analysis.
Tipo publicación:
JRC-SCI Magazine
Publicado en:
Transformations in Business & Economics Vol. 9, N. 2 (20), p.p. 19-41
Fecha de Publicacion:
Julio 2010
Otros Autores:
Jose Luis Gomez-Barroso