The business value of personal data: a production function approach
The International Telecommunications Society (ITS) is an association of professionals in the information, communications, and technology sectors. ITS is an independent, non-aligned and not-for-profit organisation with a worldwide network of about 400 members. ITS provides a forum where academic, private sector, and government communities can meet to identify pressing new problems and issues, share research results, and form new relationships and approaches to address outstanding issues. ITS focuses on the evolving applications, services, technology, and infrastructure of the communications, computing, Internet, information content, and related industries. ITS achieves its goals by providing forums where academic, business, and government researchers as well as industry practitioners, policy makers, representatives of international bodies, and consultants present and discuss research results, and may interact in spontaneous ways. The most important of such forums is a series of ITS biennial international conferences. ITS also organises local and regional symposia, seminars, workshops, and course. ITS encourages and supports the participation of young researchers in its conferences.