OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT. Sector analysis: Search market.
As societies shift into a mobility paradigm, immigrants also do so. In fact, migrants can often be seen to represent, anticipate and live at the frontier of mobility in the global economy. Portable technologies are the material condition for it. Immigrant people have enormously integrated mobile phones into their lives. Migration and mobility paradigms crosscut. Immigrants as all mobile communication users are more autonomous, more integrated within their groups, with more capacity for micro‐coordination of their daily lives. This workshop addresses the intersection of specific immigration social realities and the new challenges of mobility. Recent research works have identified the key role of mobile phones overseas, and co‐presence in the education of children for absent parents. From a more usercentred for immigrant people such as help in emergency situations, simultaneity in communication approach, we aim to explore to what extent mobile technologies could be designed (through mobile individual artefacts) to give response to immigrants’ needs. In particular, it is proposed to focus on the contributions of mobile telephony in three key areas of immigrant’s necessities: learning, information, social networking and community building for employment and other integration purposes.