Public support for the deployment of next generation access networks, Common themes, methodological caveats and further research
Next generationtelecommunications infrastructures are considered as a principal example of a new technology forsustainable economic growth. From their deployment it is expected that a wealth of innovations – hopefully convertedinto economic growth – new sources of employment and improved quality of life will result. In line with these prospects,public administrations at supranational, national, regional and local levels have encouraged the development of these newinfrastructures. Moreover, in times of economic crisis, public assistance to deploy such networks encompasses the promiseof placing a weak economy on the road to prosperity. However, such arguments and political claims clearly requirerigorous assessment. In particular, any such assessment must adequately address the appropriate form of modelling thatbest captures key elements for identifiable progress from next generation access networks (NGAN).Precisely, an assessment of the public support options for NGAN deployment is the main objective of this special issue. Inaddition, the issue aims to provide a theoretical, factual and analytical basis for the development of economic models behindNGAN deployment. With this objective in mind the editors of the issue have sought papers to draw lessons from a representativeset of existing cases, with a view to fostering informed debate on alternative policy options and their likely impact