El pasado 25 de octubre, nuestro investigador Luca Piovano formó parte del tribunal evaluador del proyecto "Artificial Reality".

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

This work was developed by students Marcos Almonacid Andrés and Diego Gutiérrez Bravo, under the guidance of Jesús Álvarez Herrera, at I.E.S. Gerardo Diego in Pozuelo de Alarcón.

Within the context of the Institute's Excellence Baccalaureate, the project focused on creating an interactive version of the school's educational facilities. Through this initiative, the students demonstrated how Virtual Reality can enhance teaching in various subjects. During the process, they collaborated with researchers from CEDINT to design 3D models of classrooms and laboratories and to develop an application for Virtual Reality glasses.

This collaboration between CEDINT and IES Gerardo Diego is part of the joint activities aiming to strengthen ties between the institute and the research centers of the International Excellence Campus of Montegancedo at UPM, with the purpose of introducing young people to the cutting-edge world of STEM research.

Congratulations to Marcos and Diego on the outstanding work they have accomplished.

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