- Research
- Biometría Bioseñales y Seguridad
Biometría Bioseñales y Seguridad
Biometrics Research Lines cover design of bio-metric identification systems (monomode and multimode techniques security evaluation and life subject detection). Stress detection systems by means of physiological signals. Analysis and detection of bio-markers in human scent for medical and bio-metric applications. Public key cipher (elliptical and hipper-elliptical curve, secure protocols for cipher and signature). Cripto-biometry specially based in iris and fingerprint geometry. Computer security. Medical imaging analysis.
Biometrics: This research line covers topics related to iris biometrics (considering not only identification but also template falsification, fake iris images creation),hand geometry oriented to mobile devices, in-air signature based on accelerometers also oriented to mobile devices, gait and face recognition.
In general, our research lines are focused on applying biometrics to mobile devices in order to increase the security in daily applications.
Biosignals: In addition, our interests cover topics related to stress detection in order to improve Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), providing more security to biometric systems together with the health management in individuals. On the other hand, within this research line we present the biometric technique based on human odour, of great interest in airports, borders and explosive detections.
Security: The research line related to security covers topics oriented to cryptography and their applications. As a result, security rises our interest on cryptobiometrics (the possibility of combining efficiently cryptography and biometrics). Finally, our experience on risk analysis.
For further information see our web.
Doctoral Thesis dissertation by Belén Ríos Sánchez
THESEUS project of the Biometrics Biosignals and Security group of CeDInt awarded in the 14th edition of Actua UPM
Fco. Javier Morales read his final degree project
Interview for the news program "Antena 3 Noticias"
Dissemination of the use of Wearable Technologies in Health
CeDInt's Biometrics research group will be present on the V edtion of Actua UPM Investment forum.
Top marks and special mention to Patricia Alcalde in her Final Engineering Porject.
New advances in body scent as biometric identifier
Accesit award for the biometrics Group in the open inovation middleware contest actua COM
4.9M€ project to help Europeans manage their weight
Alberto de Santos colects accesit prize to best patent from Madri+d
The Biometrics Group of CeDint in prime time news of spanish national TV tve1
Accesit for the Biometry group in the best patent award Madi+d
Gonzalo Bailador, awarded PhD Extraordinary mention of UPM
Biometrics group awarded on IX edition of Actúa UPM 2012
Dissertation and defense of Doctoral Thesis by Alberto de Santos
New Graduation Project disertation by Marta Camonet at CeDInt
Dissertation of final project: “Study and implementation of image segmentation methods aplied to iris and hand geometry biometrics"
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Cyber Defence Research Agenda |
Identification and Mitigation of Threats Affecting Critical Information Infrastructure |
Consulting services in the area of Identification and Mitigation of Threats Affecting Critical Information Infrastructure |
Transfer time calculation and optimization by wireless adquisition and traffic conditions estimation |
Clasification of ocupants by gait Piezoelectric measure for management and security |
Hibrid system for remote stress detection and personal localization both indoors and outdoors |
Olfative analysis of human cancer both live and in-vitro |
Cancer diagnostics from olfative and odor techniques. |
Odour component extraction and analysis for explosive detection. |
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Creación de un sistema de identificación de personas basado en su olor corporal aplicado a sistemas de seguridad. |
Segur@ |
El proyecto SEGUR@, que cuenta con un presupuesto de más de 31 millones de euros, tiene como objetivo generar un marco de confianza y seguridad para el uso de las TIC en la e-... |