IV Reunión de seguimiento del proyecto VirtualMine en el CeDInt.
On November 22 and 23, took place the fourth follow-up meeting of the VirtualMine project, led by CeDInt. In the meeting, the hand of our researchers Francisco Luque and Luca Piovano, showed the different advances and contents developed by CeDInt in the project.
Visitors had the opportunity to visit the Virtual Reality and Data Visualization laboratory, where they were introduced to the Augmented Reality application based on the experimental mine Marcelo Jorissen located in the ETSI de Minas de Madrid, being able to interact with it and experience all the different functionalities that the application allows. In addition, visitors had the opportunity to experience in first person the sensation of "reality" in the CAVE 3D of five faces.
All the information about the VirtualMine project here.