Entrega de los kits y lanzamiento del piloto Bat-Home

Today April 14th, 2015, have been delivered the first BAT-HOME 20 kits to pilot users. The kit will monitor energy consumption at home. Thi places a milestone of the BAT-NET project of cedint extending the tecnology to home environment for the first time.
In a presentation it has been presented to the 20 first participants of the pilot the technology of this system that has been the flagship project of the energy efficiency group for the past years. the objective of the project is to aquire information abut usability, practical experience on instalation and use suggestions in order to extend the project to more homes as soon as is ready.
The Bat-Home system, has been developed by CeDInt researchers and is proof of the technical excelence of their work as a result of a detailed analysis of available technologies and solutions in order to extend the technology into the future.