Alberto de Santos colects accesit prize to best patent from Madri+d

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Last Tuesday October, 8th Alberto de Santos, Researcher of CeDInt picked up the Accesit award from MadrI+D organization for his patent foa a method and system to measure stress from Heart rate and skin conductance alone. 

Madri+d awards recognice scienific-technological advances that solve industrial or social problems and the ability to turn research results into activities generating wealth and well-being.

This is an abstract of the award anouncement:

The jury granted an accesit to the patent "Devide and method for stress detction through fisiological signals" whos main inventor is PhD. Alberto de Santos Sierra Researcher of CeDInt of the Technical University of Madrid titular institution of the patent. 

This invention proposes a method and a device for non invasive stress detection good for integration on any access system with biometric identification. Allows to detect stress through only two signals (GSR y Heart rate) in such way that only with a simple signal capture is possible to create a stress pattern reflecting tha behaviour of an individual under strange or stress conditions. This pattern allows to measure the percentage of stress in the invividual differing in this way of previous systems that could only detect a stress/no-stress situation.

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