Elastic Stack IoT Platform

Start Date: 
Sunday, 1 September 2019 to Thursday, 1 July 2021
Management and Monitoring IoT Networks

An Open-source IoT platform that unifies the management, monitoring, storage and visualization functions of IoT networks in real-time through Elastic Stack tools. In this way, the platform not only allows communication between users and their devices, but also integrates modules to centralize the supervision and management of networks under the same platform, simplifying their maintenance.

The purpose of our IoT platform is to store and manage in real-time data coming from IoT devices and networks. The Gateway collects the measurements from the IoT Devices and sends them to the Application Server through the Data Transmission Module. The Application Server allows acting on the devices through a graphical interface and sends the measurements to Elasticsearch to be stored. Beats agents, deployed in all the modules of the platform, collect metrics, logs, and network traffic statistics and send them to Elasticsearch. Finally, this collected data is displayed on dashboards using the Kibana tools.



  • The Gateway Module manages IoT networks through specific drivers to communicate with different IoT technologies: KNX and BatNet. Besides, it transfers data and functionalities from the Application Server to the IoT Devices and vice versa. It comprises the following components: Bat Network Manager (BatNM), Jolokia, Metricbeat, and Filebeat.
  • The Data Transmission Module is designed to provide the communication between the Gateway and the Application Server, and vice versa. The modules implemented are: Apache Kafka Cluster, Metricbeat, and Filebeat.

  • The Application Server Module ensures the communication between Elasticsearch and the Gateway Module by: a) creating a data model to store the measurements; and b) integrating a web user interface based on a Representational State Transfer framework that allows the communication between the users and the application. The modules of the implemented application server are Spatia, Jolokia, Metricbeat, Filebeat, and Packetbeat.

  • The Elasticsearch Cluster Module is composed by six elements: Elasticsearch, Metricbeat, Filebeat, Packetbeat, Heartbeat, and Kibana.

La plataforma ha sido desplegada con éxito en tres entornos diferentes relacionados con las Smart Cities de forma que se comprueba su utilidad y replicabilidad. En primer lugar, la plataforma se ha integrado en una red de sensores desplegados en un edificio orientada a monitorizar su comportamiento energético. En segundo lugar, se ha realizado una implantación del Elastic Stack IoT Platform en entornos agrícolas para generar y controlar diferentes condiciones de crecimiento de plantas en invernaderos. Por último, la plataforma se ha utilizado para gestionar un sistema de alumbrado exterior que regula de forma inteligente el nivel de iluminación de cada una de las farolas.

Energy Efficiency - Internet of things