Living Lab Illumination

Project funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, and Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad in the Campus of International excellence framework with Id Number:
This Project aims to enhance the outdoor illumination infrastructure at Montegancedo Campus. It provides a smart illumination system which is able to measure the reflected luminosity underneath every street light and to detect pedestrian motion. Furthermore, it regulates the LED lamps in order to keep the minimum level established by the current regulations. The motion detection of one of the street lights implies an increase of its dimming level as well as the nearby ones. This provides a pleasant, and at the same time, an efficient experience.
CeDInt activity within the project:
All control devices have been designed and programmed by CeDInt. We have also been responsible of the field deployment and both the 5GHz WiFi and IEEE802.15.4 wireless network. Finally a group of simple easy to use management applications have been developed as well as a more complex backend multiplatform management application.
Project objetives:
Illumination quality improvement and light pollution decrease.
Reduction of the new system consumption in relation to the previous one.
Remote system control and maintenance.
CeDInt objective within the project:
Validation of the pilot project and its technology within the specific context of the Campus illumination.
Validation of the regulation and switching on-off algorithm
Obtaining data related to pedestrians behavior
This Project has been developed in collaboration with Philips Lighting Iberica. The entire outdoor common illumination infrastructure has been replaced with LED technology as well as the ones at CeDInt and CAIT parking lots. In addition, an architectural light system has been installed on different buildings within the Campus: CTB, CBGP, CAIT and CeDInt.
Pedestrian areas and CedInt parking lot
The combination of the Stela Family lamps of Philips-Indal and the BatStreetLighting System, developed at CeDInt, allows centralized controlling and monitoring. Communications are based on the standard IEEE802.15.4 and the IETF specification 6LoWPAN. This permits integrating the system within the so-called “Internet of things”.
Every lamp can talk to each other and also find a way out to the internet through a coordinator node.
BatStreetLighting system uses a luminosity sensor and a set of motion sensors so that can reduce energy consumption up to 80% compared to the old system without spoiling the illumination quality.
Furthermore, a management and monitoring software has been developed, in order to store every type of information related to the system performance
Road ring and CAIT parking illumination
The old installation has been replaced with new lamps from Philips-Indal. The total number of lamps has also been reduced by half and the illumination level has improved significantly. Every lamp has a driver which regulates the light level within different time slots during the night. Besides, a solar cell switches on and off the whole system according to the natural light level.
Architectural illumination
An architectural illumination system has been installed at CTB, CBGP, CAIT and CeDInt buildings. This system uses RGB LED lamps and linear RGB LED lamps. Philips Lighting Iberica has been in charge of the installation.
Since all the drivers are controlled through their USB ports, CeDInt has developed a system to control all of them remotely. This is been achieved by using WiFi (5GHz) links among building decks. The USB packets are sent through an IP tunnel. Thus, drivers are controlled remotely from any place through the internet.
Tecnologies used:
- 1-10V control
Technologies employed by CeDInt within the project
- IEEE802.15.4
- 6LoWPAN (IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks)
- CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol)
- JavaScript
Applications developed by CeDInt for the project
- Control Application developed over .NET and Qt forWindows and Linux
- Monitoring Application by beacons with UDP messages
- Gateway
Video 1: Pedestrian Pathways.
Video 2: Parking Lots.
Video 3: Emergency Announcement.