Metal-less V-groove RXI collimator
A metal-less RXI collimator has been designed using the Simultaneous multiple surface method (SMS). The collimator is completely made of plastic (PMMA) and does not include any mirrored surface, unlike to the convectional RXI collimators, whose back surface is metalized to provide a specular reflection. The back surface of the V-groove RXI is designed as a grooved surface providing two TIR reflections for all rays impinging on it. The main advantage of the presented design is lower manufacturing cost since there is no need for the expensive process of metalization. Also, unlike to the conventional RXI collimators this design performs good colour mixing. The experimental measurements of the first prototype are presented.
Publication type:
Published in:
Illumination Optics II Marsella, Francia. Proceedings SPIE Vol. 8170
Publication date:
September 2011
CeDInt Authors:
Other Authors:
J. Vilaplana, G. Biot