El pasado día 13 de Diciembre de 2021 recibimos la visita del IES Gerardo Diego.

Thursday, 16 December 2021

Last December 13, 2021 we received the visit of IES Gerardo Diego with a total of 40 visitors between students and teachers, divided into several groups. The visit began with a presentation of the main R&D lines of CEDINT-UPM: Energy Efficiency and Internet of Things, Virtual Reality and Data Visualization, Advanced Optical Engineering, Biometrics, Biosignals and Security. This was followed by an interactive demonstration of the different projects and research results of the groups. The Virtual Reality and Energy Efficiency group presented some of the ongoing projects developed for the improvement of vulnerable user detection systems in vehicles and Augmented Reality for education applications, Digital Twin of public buildings and infrastructures, voice interaction interfaces (Alexa), IoT devices for building and home automation, Smart Lighting or Biodiversity analysis, among others.

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