Concluye la 4ª edición del JVRC coorganizado por la Facultad de Informática y el CeDInt.

Last friday October 19th JVRC 2012 was oficialy over. This 4th edition took place in Spain for the very first time and was coorganized by the Computer Science School, and the Virtual Rality department of CeDInt of the Technical University of Madrid.
JVRC 2012 (joint Virtual Reality Conference) is the meeting point for representatives of the industry, integration and R&D for all VR related environments including Augmented Reality, Mix Reality, 3D visualization, interfacing with the virtual environments, teleexistence, etc.
The 2012 edition continues the collaboration established in Lyon 2009 among:
- The 8th European Virtual and Augmented Reality Conference (euroVR)
- The 17 symposium Eurographics on Virtual Environments (EGVE)
- and The 19 International Conference of Artificial Reality and Teleexistence (ICAT)
The conference is build around four distinct participation tracks: Scientific Track with presentations, papers and posters linked to the latest R&D advances. Industrial Track with presentations were industry leaders present the latest technologies embedded in their products to build state of the art solutions. Demo Track where both scientists and industry show live demonstrators of existing solutions. And finally Exhibition Track where the latest products services and solutions of the industry that are the building blocks of the RV, RA or teleexistence solutions can be seen.
Demonstrations and outstanding innovations this year were:
- Haptic systems capable of recording and playback of tactile sensations.
- Multiple degrees of freedom haptic systems.
- Next generation 3D graphics engines.
- Disaster training simulation.
- General training augmented reality applications
- Holography and streoscopy
- Advanced Image formation for 3D environments.
- New natural user interfaces and intuitive navigation.
- Sustainable architecture
- Total subject immersion virtual environment games (on CAVE).
This year we have counted with more than 120 participants from more than 18 countries as well as all relevant equipment manufacturers related to the VR solutions, showing and demonstrating the latest technological advances and available products.
For more information about JVRC 2012 please visit the official conference web page.