La reunión inaugural del Proyecto VirtualMine ha tenido lugar en Breslavia (Polonia)
Last April 24th took place the kick-off meeting of the VirtualMine project in the headquarters of the project leader, KGHM Cuprum Ltd., in Wroclaw (Poland)
The main goal of the project is to increase the awareness among local community about the importance of raw materials and its possible use for better development of the European regions. In particular to prepare a 3D visualization of the copper mining exploration process with the view of the copper value chain.
The scope of the meeting was to present the project partners: KGHM Cuprum, Wroclaw Research Centre EIT +, Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG), National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Technical University of Kosice (TUKE), National Mining University of Ukraine (NMU) and Technical University of Madrid with CeDInt-UPM and the School of Mining and Energy Engineering. Besides the meeting served to discuss some technical aspects and plan the next project tasks.
CeDInt, which will participate in the requirements definition of the 3D visualization demo, was represented at the meeting by Francisco Luque and Carmen Lastres.