SuperVR project is a finalist in the Smart Buildings category of the enerTIC Awards 2020.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

During the month of September, CeDInt - UPM was a finalist in the enerTIC Awards 2020 after the vote of the committee of experts formed by the associated companies and the Institutional Collaboration Network of the Platform. Until November 6th, it will be possible to vote online through the awards website, in order to choose the winners.

Since 2013, the enerTIC Awards reward innovative technological projects carried out by companies and organizations committed to energy efficiency and sustainability. In this call, both public and private organizations have submitted their projects to 15 categories, including Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0, Intelligent Infrastructures, Intelligent IT Infrastructures, Smart Territories, Energy Renewable, Smart Buildings, Smart Cities, Smart Data Center, Smart Grid, Smart Lighting, Smart Mobility, Smart Product, Smart Vehicle and Solutions and Services.

The application, "Intelligent Building Management through Extended Reality and Multimodal Interfaces" allows the management of buildings through the use of Multimodal Interfaces (Virtual Reality helmets, web browser, virtual voice assistant) and Extended Reality environments (VR, augmented and mixed reality, data visualization. Integration of the IoT building management platform with Extended Reality technologies to facilitate the remote monitoring and control of the building's energy consuming systems through different natural interaction interfaces.


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