
Only 3 weeks to close online voting on finalist projects of the enerTIC Awards 2018.

There are only 3 weeks left to close online voting on finalist projects of the enerTIC Awards 2018, Awards for Innovation and Technology for Energy Efficiency in the Digital Age, which can be voted until November 16 at Smart Cities, Smart Energy, Smart Industry 4.0, Smart...

Guillermo del Campo talks about the potential of the Internet of Things in Energy Efficiency in the newspaper El Mundo.

Guillermo del Campo, head of the Department of IoT and Energy Efficiency at CeDint, contributed to an article on Energy Saving last October 24 in the newspaper El Mundo. Guillermo spoke about the possibilities offered by IoT technology in the field of Energy Efficiency "By giving the possibility of...

The Smart Lighting application achieves energy savings of up to 85% on the electricity needed for pedestrian lighting of the Campus.

The Smart Lighting application based on BatNET technology was deployed in the Montegancedo International Campus of Excellence - UPM. This application makes it possible to control the lighting of pedestrian walkways and car parks, optimising energy consumption. The control is carried out at an...

CeDInt winner of the first prize at the IoT Interoperability Hackatown in Barcelona.

CeDInt won the first prize at the IoT Interoperability Hackatown held on 17 and 18 October at the Fira de Barcelona. This HackaTown launched different challenges from the SymbIoTe and BIG IoT projects. Our researchers Silvia Calatrava, Clara Jiménez and Guillermo Cañada, designed a web application...

High Level Conference y Brainstorming Workshop in Lisbon.

Last 2nd of October, Silvia Calatrava and Guillermo del Campo, researchers from CeDInt, attended a conference organized by the the Faculadade de Ciencias Universidade Lisboa in the framework of the Transener project ( The day opened with the conferences of Enrique...

CeDint develops ReVirTool, a Virtual Reality application to support the treatment of patients with alcohol use disorders.

CeDint UPM in collaboration with the Universidad Camilo José Cela and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid within the framework of the ReVirTool project, has developed a Virtual Reality application to support the treatment of patients with alcohol use disorders. The processes of executive function...