Nuestro investigador Luca Piovano participa en el congreso internacional EEDAL-LS 2022 con una charla sobre Gemelos Digitales y Realidad Virtual para los sistemas inteligentes de iluminación pública.

Monday, 6 June 2022

Which are the advantages of using Virtual Reality and Digital Twin approaches for the management of a public lighting system? How could its implementation be in practice? Our researcher Luca Piovano, from the Virtual Reality and Data Visualization group, spoke about these topics on last Friday, June 3, in a talk entitled “Towards a Digital Twin for Smart Street Lighting systems using a Virtual Reality interface”. The talk was given during the 17th International Conference on Science and Technology of Lighting (EEDAL-LS 2022), which took place at the University of Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier (France) from June 1 to 3. In his presentation, Luca showed the Virtual Reality application developed at CEDINT-UPM for the management and monitoring of the smart controllers (light level dimming, ambient illumination, and presence sensors) embedded in the streetlight infrastructure at the Montegancedo Campus. This work is a collaboration with the Energy Efficiency group of CEDINT-UPM and it summarizes some of the results achieved projects such as Super-VR and Tr@nsnet

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